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Interview recorded 7/19/22; aired 11/2/22
Nat Lyon is a musician and the creator and host of the Experimental Trash podcast. Nat studied painting then earned a Ph.D. in Anthropology. He worked as an archaeologist for 12 years in southern New England then taught Anthropology and worked as an administrative director in higher education. All along, music was something that was done in parallel. In 2012, Nat started to focus more on music. The physical and social environments of southern New England and the the Connecticut River valley feature prominently in most of Nat’s recorded work. Nat’s album, The Brittle Year, was released in 2021.
Below are featured works, the radio interview, and a show playlist, including Nat’s selections, as well as a few by the host.
Learn more about this brilliant installation by Clare Archibald (which was discussed in Nat’s interview), including a project description and list of the 130+ international contributors. And listen above to Nat’s audio “simulation” of the installation and his interview with Clare.
Visit the archives of Experimental Trash Nat’s wonderful podcast. He writes fabulous “field notes” for each episode. His music is featured throughout, often as works in progress.